
My Top 50 Favorite Songs: 04

Please Note: The first 10 songs are NOT necessarily my favorite songs by what are most certainly some of my favorite artists. These songs stand out to me (for various reasons that I explain) from the rest of the artists' works, but I could not, under any circumstances, comfortably say that these songs are my definitive favorites from the artists. I have no definitive favorites from some artists; their entire collected work (minus a track or two) would be my favorites.
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4. "Doll Skin" by Toadies

My love of Toadies grew at crawl, from their 1994 debut Rubberneck (with its massive alt-rock hit "Possum Kingdom") to their long-overdue second album in 2001, Hell Below/Stars Above, that this song is taken from. Lewis' lyrics are layered with symbolism that can sometimes come across with several meanings at the same time. Toadies, (again, ever so slowly) have become one of my favorite bands to survive the 90's. This track in particular has, since the moment I first heard it, hit me with an honesty and sadness and sense of hope in the face of heartbreak, but tinged with a realism that the lovelorn rarely admit to. The fact that Lewis and crew were able to communicate these feelings so well and yet so simply is a testament to why I adore the band so much.

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